Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday Baby!

Friday was my hunky, firefighter of a husband's birthday (yes....I have to say that every time I am referring to him. We waited for this job for 9.5 years, and it's just as much fun for me to say "hunky firefighter husband" as it is for him to "live out the dream"...besides....he is hunky, and he is a fireman!)

We just had a couple friends over to play some Rock Band, but I think Mae-Mae had more fun than anyone!
Her and daddy layin' down some beats.....
..Is this right mom?

She is one multi-talented kid!
.."Yai-Yai" want to sing?

"The Band"

We have a small, somewhat unreal tradition called "the birthday month" in our house, but we always end up celebrating everyones b-day like 12 times in one month. It's always an excuse to go out to eat a few times, eat cake (mmmmm......) a few times...or just claim laziness as "but it's my birthday month!" a few times. We haven't even had a family party for him yet because every time I think I will have something, he ends up having to "serve and protect the citizens of Champaign" I'm sure once we have that, we will have more pictures.....and it will be another excuse to make the "chocolate explosion", his favorite birthday cake of all time!

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