Monday, March 23, 2009


My youngest babe is turning two in exactly one week. I'm actually a little emotional about it. I can't believe that it has been two years since she was born. Her birth was the beginning of a lot of things that happened in our lives. Russ had just finished fire academy exactly one week after she was born, the start of a job he had been dreaming and praying about for almost 10 years. Two months after she was born, we had to have a family "intervention" for my dad and had to make some really tough decisions regarding him. Fortunately, the right choices were made in that situation. It's been a difficult two years in some aspects, and in others, it has been incredibly fulfilling.

I asked Maebree what kind of birthday she wanted to have. After singing "Happy Berfday" to herself, she informed me that she wanted a "Go-Go's" berfday. For those of you who don't speak "Maebrinese", go-go's is her name for "Cars" the movie. I asked if she wanted an animals party, and she said "NO! I don yike it amols!....I wan Go-Gos berfday!" (translation: I don't like animals....I want cars:) ***SIGH*** I can't even believe that I was disappointed to find out I was having another girl at her sonogram 2 1/2 years ago:) I wouldn't trade her for all the boys in the whole wide world now!

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