Monday, April 26, 2010

Cakes, cookies, and pie.....GOODBYE!

We are starting something new today. My husband is a bit of a fitness "guru". I call him the incredible growing and shrinking man. He can gain 50 pounds and drop it in less than a month. It's not fair and often times I want to beat the crap out of him because it's so easy. I say easy because it SEEMS easy, but he does put in a lot of hard work and self-control into it.

He is now on this P90X kick. He really thinks that we should both do it (I think he is sick of hearing me complain about how I feel "fat" all the time). We are going to Florida in September and we want to look good in swimming suits, and since this is a 90-day program...the timing works out great. A friend of ours is letting us "rent-to-own" his copy (Thanks BK!!) in case it's not something we want to stick to and then we don't have to fork over the money to buy the whole program. Needless to say about the WHOLE not.excited. I love my treats and foods, and it's a super busy time coming up and I just really want quick and easy stuff. But I am also sick of complaining about my body and not doing something about it. And this is really not a bad deal. The recipes look yummy, and the exercise stuff is all based on what you can do, so I'm gonna go for it.

I'll let you know in a week if I've quit or not.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Carris wheel/Gary-go-round

That's what Mae-Mae calls the carousel at the mall:)

My photo shoot on Saturday was canceled due to the weather, so I decided to take the kids to the mall to ride the carousel and practice some action shots. In retrospect, standing on a moving carousel while trying to take pictures is not a good idea for someone with vertigo. Not a good idea at all. But, I think we got some cute stuff regardless.

Mae was thrilled, Em is at that age where she was thrilled but is trying to be cool like she's not, and Faith....well....she was a great sport:)

I'm pretty sure that Faith's face says "Mom...I'm 9, I'm too old for this".

She insisted on the tu-tu. She wears it EVERYWEAR!


Mom, don't worry, I got this.

I love that you can see her reflection (barely) in the mirror.

As you can see....not thrilled with the prospect of leaving. I guess we will just have to do it again!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A story in pictures

The "Characters.......




Chuck: I think I will mow this lawn. It's just shy of ridiculous.

I: Dude. I got this. Let me take over and show you how it's done. I am the king of "bacooming". It can't be that different.

I: It's simple really, all you do is walk and pull, walk and pull.

Tater: Guys!! Wow! You haven't even complimented me on my amazing outfit yet. I mean, seriously!

I: Hmmm.....maybe he had something to that walking behind it thing.

Chuck: It's all good dude..........I make walking look good. I mean, have you SEEN my arms?

Chuck: Besides. Just wait 'til she's not looking. Mwah-ah-ah-ah!

I might have taken some creative liberty with their conversation....but I think it's pretty spot on:)

Pancakes and parades

The girls are both in softball this summer. This spells nightmare schedule through June for me. I am going to be running full bore every day after May 8th between shoots already scheduled and that. But I am excited. I love watching my kids do stuff they like.

Saturday we had a pancake breakfast the girls both served for and an opening day parade. St. Joe is famous for parades. We have one at least once a month I think. I didn't get any pics of the breakfast, but the parade was a hit!

Papa showing Mae how to "pop" dandelions.

Cutest dog ever I saw. Hands down.

Faith not looking at my camera.

Emmy not looking at my camera.

"Em! Is that your mom screaming and waving wildy?" Still not looking at me.

Russ loves Country Music. Our kids have my taste in music. Which is everything except country. This is their reaction when Daddy blares his stereo.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gorgeous Walk-for-Lifers

Still can't get the stinkin' video up, but this is just as good.

Funny story:
Mae refused to wear the WFL t-shirt. She said it was "Berry ugwy and berry scarwy". That is very ugly and scary in Maebrinese.

And yes....that is chicken they are holding:)

Naughty kids

I implemented a new discipline technique today. Maybe I will actually get something done.

Ok, I'm totally kidding. Caleb moved Essie's (who was outside at the time) food and water bowls out and climbed in himself. Mae was jealous I was taking pictures of him and climbed in with him. Isaiah wanted nothing to do with either and kept saying "come-out kids!" to both:)

But maybe it's not such a bad idea;) And maybe I'm watching too much Lost. At least I'm not feeding them fish biscuits left over from the polar bears.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Binan and Enin

I have this hilarious and awesome video of of the girls playing with their new Slip-N-Slide that they won at the Walk For Life on Saturday (thanks to all my facebook peeps who pledged...seriously, your generosity is amazing!). But stupid blogger won't let me upload it!

So while I am working on that, enjoy the other thing I did this weekend. I've known and been friends with both of them since I was an awkward geek who sported a mean Orphan Annie hair-do and coke bottle glasses. They're gorgeous, their dog is perfect, and if she was into that sort of thing, she could totally capitalize off that perfect pregnant belly of hers.

Check out the rest of their pics HERE and try and contain your jealousy. I can't WAIT to meet Baby Addison!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello Spring Break

Do you want to know what happens when you let kids clean their rooms/closets?

Welcome to my spring break. It 'aint Palm Beach, that's for sure! What is not pictured is the pile that is already folded sitting on our couch waiting to be put away.

Please. Try to contain your jealousy. I know it's hard, but come on. I mean, between taking care of five kids in my house all day this week, two kids softball practices, lunches, church, editing, switching over closets, and all the 1 million other things that need done, I would be jealous of me to.