Friday, July 17, 2009

Indy Trip 2009 Part one

In an effort to do our part in spurring on the economy, Russ and I decided to take a little "mini-cation" to Indianapolis Zoo. I found a GREAT hotel right downtown in Indianapolis for a great price, so we packed up the kids Monday afternoon and headed out. After an incredibly exhausting 2-hour ride over (I'm so glad we did not go any place any further ), we arrived at our destination. I grabbed the camera to do a quick tour of our awesome room:

Bathroom, obviously:)

Living room and kitchen

I have no idea what the deal is with my husband, kids, and wanting to show off their muscles in pictures.....but there are like 8 more pics where these came from.

Next, we checked out the pool......Maebree stripped off her shirt immediately thinking it was "fimming" time.

After dinner at the hotel (yes, the hotel provided us with a hot breakfast AND a hot dinner meal Monday through Thursday!) we decided to take a little walk downtown, then head to Circle Center mall for our first "activity" of the weekend.

Walking to the Monument.

Emmy informed me that these guys were hurt really bad:)


Now off to Circle Center for some games and to watch Ice Age 2 (advice: Don't waste your money, wait for it to come out on video:)

Emmy's MarioKart game face. Cracked us up!

Self portraits......

"Essie" :o)

In our walk through the mall, Beyonce's "Single Ladies" came on, and Mae decided to show off her moves:) This is totally not prompted by me either!

Watch part of the video on YouTube if you want to see why she is doing what she is doing.....

We decided to walk back around the monument area to get some yummy icecream and the girls ran into a bear....

The next morning we arose early to head off to the zoo.....but I will save that for another post as this one has taken me all morning and I have a lot to do today! So tune back for some riveting videos and more great pics!

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