Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lost party 2009

***SPOILER ALERT**** If you have not watched the finale, don't read any further. Some pictures may spoil you:)

If you know me, you know I love Lost. Next to Jack Bauer, it's my favorite thing on t.v.......actually, I think it is my favorite thing on t.v. and then Jack comes next. Realistically, how many times can one man save the world from terrorists:) A mythical island that skips around through time and causes planes to crash, paraplegics to walk, barren couples to reproduce, and heals cancer, that's a little more believable to me. Just kidding, I'm not a complete freak. I do have a dress up party because there are so many characters in this show that are fun to emulate.

"Locke" and "Jacob" Evidently Jacob's aversion to technology has subsided in order for him to make a phone call......

The "cast" photo. We have (in the back)"Jughead", Jacob, Old Eloise, Hurley (complete with a "I heart My Shih-Tzu shirt), Locke, Young Ellie, and down front is Juliette (complete with chains:) and Sun.

Now for the close-ups.....and goofy ones!

"Sun" and "Young Ellie" complete with a "Charles Widmore is my baby-daddy t-shirt.

"Young Ellie" and "Old Eloise", complete with her chalkboard on how to get back to the island.

"Juliette" and her "death chains" and "Jughead". Thanks to that startling and cliff-hanger ending, they will always have a special "explosive" connection. BTW, for all those who are thoroughly confused, Jughead is a hydrogen bomb. As if that actually explains anything.

I didn't get to take many pictures as I was too busy trying to keep kids quiet, keep them from falling down stairs, and was a little stressed out due to the tornado warnings and praying the lightning wouldn't blitz our t.v. out. Actually, my friend Nichole took most of the pictures I do have! But it was still fun to get together with friends just being silly. So let the Lost party 2010 party planning begin!!

1 comment:

guyliner said...

I gotta go find me some eyeliner!