Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mae's interpretation of Faith

We have the best Sunday/Wednesday teachers around at our church. My kids love going to church, even to the point that if we are sick or have to miss for being out of town, they are sad. That's a great indication of what awesome teachers there are to keep them interested and "plugged-in".

Mae's Wednesday teacher's are a couple in our church that are just the perfect example of God's love. They LOOOOVE our kids so much, having taught each of them at one time. They're grandparents, their kids are grown, but they always step into that class with joy and love every minute of it. They send our kids birthday cards and postcards from vacation, give them gifts, cut out articles in the paper that pertain to us or just think it would be interesting to us. Mr. Bill is a writer, and he always types out funny things Maebree said or did in class for me. I.Love.This. I never remember ANYTHING, so to have a hard copy of it to keep on hand and give her later in life is terrific!

Last Wednesday he found particularly funny, and his wife, Ms. Judy said it best. When you are teaching a bunch of 4 and 5-year-olds, sometimes lessons become a "Who's on First" scenario. He was teaching the kids about Thomas and how Jesus taught him to have faith. Here is the interaction with the kids:

Mr. Bill: Do you see what the lesson is teaching us? We should believe without having to see with our own eyes. That's called having faith.

Maebree: Faith is my sister. (Mr. Bill realizes quickly where this is going)

MB: Yes, Faith is your sister, but we're talking about something else here. The faith I'm talking about means believing without seeing. It means trusting God.

Mae: Sometimes I call Faith "Faithey" but, her real name is Faith.

MB: it's nice that you do that. It must mean you love her and have a special nickname for her. But I'm talking about having faith in your heart.

Mae: Faith isn't God-she's my sister.

MB: I know but what I'm.......

Mae: I have GOD in my heart. HE lives there. Not Faith. Faith is not God.

MB: No, Faith isn't God. That not what I meant. What I meant is that believing without seeing is called faith and.....(Mr. Bill realizes at this point that he is skiing fulls speed down an steep slope and is getting deeper and deeper in to the problem. Another little boy, we'll call him "J" raises hi hand. He wonders if J will say something that will help him out) J, did you want to say something?

J: Yes.

(long pause)

MB: Would you please say what you wanted to say J?

J: Yes. Thomas is Train Number 1.

(Another long pause. Mr. Bill realizes he has jumped off the slope and is now airborne)

MB: You're right J. Thomas is Train Number 1. Whose ready for craft?!!!

(MB looks at Maes face. He believes she was thinking "Might as well start craft. Mr. Bill is really confused and thinks Faith is God. He needs some rest")

I love our church class teachers. I am so thankful that God sends people to help teach my precious girls the things of the Lord. And I'm most thankful when they have a sense of humor and know when to quite while they're ahead:)

1 comment:

Pam said...

I love this story!! Mr.Bill shared it with me right after it took place and I thought how blessed we are to have such loving, patient teachers...AND I'm so glad that Mae knows that Faith isn't God.;-)