Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fall Flop Fun part 1

Every year, our little town puts on a fall festival complete with parades and carnival-like fun. As long as I have lived here, the local teens (myself included, when I was one) would lovingly refer to it as the "Fall Flop". This year, we were more involved with various activities than we have ever been. Em was in the Little Princess Contest (see previous post), our church had a float involved, and I decided to run in the 5K race with my BFF Nichole. She actually made me do it, I had no choice in the matter. We decided way back when that we would run in the 5K the Pregnancy Resource Center was going to be doing in October, but she really wanted to do this one, and I decided what better way to kick my butt into shape then to go for it. Russ decided sort of last minute that he too would run in an effort to document our success, and hold our waters for us if we so decided.

I had two goals going into this race: 1.) A mutual goal with Nichole in that we would actually jog, the whole time. Regardless if we were dying or could walk faster than we were jogging, we would jog the entire race. 2.) I really wanted to do the whole race in 36 minutes, which would be 12-minute mile pace. I had not actually completed 3.1 miles in under 36 minutes 'til that day, and we actually finished the race under that. I don't remember, I think it was like 34 or 35 minutes, but regardless, we did it. Every mile was under 12 minutes! Yay for us!!

Onto the photo documentation:

An attempt at a pre-photo shot, and me hiding my "contraband" Ipod while the boys wait to cheer on their momma.

Waiting for the race to start in the lineup. I had to pee so stinkin' bad even though I had just gone like 2 minutes before hand. Stinkin' coffee.....

Still doing good, adrenaline's pumping.....Smiling for every shot!

Holy crap......we aren't even half way there, and the kid who ended up winning the whole thing just passed us on his way back to the finish line. Wow.

Ok, here it's starting to get tough...but obviously not for Russ....

Our cheering section came out to greet us at the 2-mile mark, and that gave us a little burst of energy!!!

Really rough...the smiles are totally fake. Still obviously not rough for Russ.......

Sweaty, but completely successful!!!!! WE DID IT!

Afterwards, we got cleaned up and headed off to the dog show for Faithy and Essie. Essie tied for the "Cutest Dog" 'cause really, that's all she has going for her. She doesn't do tricks. At all. And in all honesty, the dog she tied with truly was the cutest dog I have seen in ages. He was tinsy white puff-ball, and both his eyes pointed in the same direction at the same time. Essie's, well, not so much. But she did look pretty cute.

And completely exhausted after a long day of not cooperating:)

And my future dog...well, not him, but I will get one. He was a smooth coat, short haired, dry-mouth St. Bernard. It was love at first site, and when we build our commune in the country with the Knights and Holts, I will get one.

I will finish up the rest of the day soon, but right now, there are two screamin' boys in my house who want their lunch! Soo.....stay tuned for the parade and some fun on carnival rides!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the 5K with me. Getting through it was definitely easier doing it with you. I'm glad we were/are able to push/challenge each other. Thankfully, you didn't pee your pants. ;o) I look forward to many more 5Ks with you. We achieved our goal together. There's nothing better than that! Better start getting ready for The Pregnancy Resource Center 5K. Good grief, what did we start???