Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Annual Christmas card shoot

I should be in bed. I haven't been to bed before midnight in over a week. And it started off as one NASTY week too. Lets just say a flat tire in "the hood" was not a way to start the week. Plus I taught my daughter some new words...**sigh*** mother of the year, right here! (BTW..they weren't cuss words persay, it was freakin' and heck, Christian cuss-words if you will. Just had to clarify that:)

My friend Stacia (that's her nickname:) showed me a pic of her pastors kids who were dressed up like "Who-people" a la The Grinch, and that was it. I knew that would be our Christmas card. After editing these pics, I decided I wished I would've used a white background, but it just washed out the little two and their light hair, so black it was.

Here are a few that won't make the card-cut, though they are too cute not to share!

If you want to see the final better start begging to make the list! :)


RK said...

1. Very cool idea!

2.Heck! But you guys make some freakin' gorgeous kids! :o)

3. Making a list sound exclusive and special is the right way to make sure people start begging! Nicely done!

melbys said...

please, please send me (or just hand-deliver!) a xmas card with those adorable kids! i HAVE to see the final result!

Anonymous said...

Oh Misty, you so inspire me! Are those fake lashes you put on your children? Too fun!