Monday, October 26, 2009

Nasty weekend


That pretty much sums up the last weekend. My little tater came down with a fever early Saturday morning. She came into our room saying she had to potty, and when I picked her up, she felt as if she was on fire:( Nothing else, just fever, and a doozy of one that peeked at 105 that night. That lasted 'til about 6:00 last night when I finally caved and called the patient advisory nurse because I just couldn't take her being miserable anymore. I didn't want to just take her in and expose her to everyone else's swine flu, but wanted to know what was wrong at the same time. Wouldn't you know it while I was waiting for that darn nurse to call back, she snapped out if it. Her fever broke and she ran upstairs to put on her "pintheth" to do some heavy duty spinning to the Dora episode that was on. Just like that, sickness done. It was weird.

I don't know what it was, I don't know why she had it. She now has a small little cough every now and then and a bit 'o snot, but nothin else. I happened to get one of the sweetest shots of her in recent times. I love it becuase she looks so darn snuggly and it was really the only good sleep she got that day, and I hate it because I know she was miserable.

On that note, why is it that kids only snuggle when they are sick? Makes no sense to me at all!

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