Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jack Bauer Sunday!!

Oh....I....Am.....Ready!!! How bout you?

(for those who can't read, that says Jack Bauer for President...probably tied as my favoritist t-shirt along with my Dharma shirt that my Lost buddy Stac gave me, don't worry, that one's comin in two weeks!)


RK said...

Ok, so what did you think?? We thought night 1 was not all that interesting...but after tonight...right there when Bill Buchanan showed up. It got VERY interesting then!

Momma Peep said...

I gotta say I have to agree with you RK....I thought night one was a good "set-up" show. Night two was definetley better, and Bill Buchanan was a nice surprise. I am a little disapointed to see a big fat zero on my "Jack's Kill Count" sheet for hours 1-4, but the new improved "Dark Tony" has more than made up for it! I knew they couldn't make him all bad!