Monday, December 22, 2008

These boots were made for walkin....Part Deux

So there are a billion-gagillion things I need to do. I need to wrap some presents (I plan on doing that here in a while after the crazy one goes to bed). I need to wash about 3 loads of laundry and put away about 10. Maebree's room is a wreck as well as ours. Vaccuming is WAY overdo, and the kitchen could use a good clean-up. And I don't even want to tell you what our kitchen table looks like......

But instead what am I doing? Well, the girls and I made a batch of sugar cookies (store bought dough) with icing (homeade) and sprinkles and then decided to torture our dog some more. Since it's like 5 degrees outside, she doesn't enjoy going out, and I read somewhere that a little dog loses most of their heat from their paws. In my last-minute shopping today, I found some dog booties complete with a blinking light-up feature for those great night dog-walkers. (Im not one of those...probably why our pup is about 3 pounds overweight....that's huge for a dog that is supposed to be 5 pounds tops:o)

Anyway, for your viewing pleasure.... If I only had a video camera you could acutally see her trying to walk!

She finally decided to give up and beg me for mercy....

If she could speak, I know she would be calling me cuss-words. But I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, so totally worth it:o)

1 comment:

RK said...

Crack me up with the dog booties! I thought about getting some of those for Belle a couple years ago, but M put his foot down on that one... but they are so cute!