Saturday, October 2, 2010

Faith's new look

I am SO behind in blogging it's not even funny. Tis the busy season! I have so much to catch up on...some of which I don't necessarily want to remember (i.e. going crazy trying to sell the stupid house!) and some I do (celebrating 12 years of marriage to the most awesome, handsome, dimpled firefighter the world has ever known:).

Poor Faithy got her mama's eyesight...which ain't good. She got glasses a couple weeks ago...and with the exception of looking like the unibomber in this getup (she was helping me on a very cold and windy photoshoot), I think she looks way stinkin' cute. Way cuter than I looked in my first coke-bottle pink and blue glasses. Wow....gotta love the 80's.

1 comment:

melbys said...

holy cow! i saw this pics on fb or something and didn't even realize it was faith. what a gorgeous little lady! LOVE the glasses. and ditto on the glasses. uh, were yours one pink on the top and blue on the bottom like mine?! don't be embarrassed if yours weren't. not everyone can be as cool as me.