- I need cameras. Video cameras. I need them following me around every day so that a.) people believe the insane stories I tell, and b.) I could at least capitalize off the crazy. I'd totally watch my reality show. Though...I'd probably not be shown in a very good light. Scratch that...I need NO cameras. Anywhere near me. Ever.
- Crap...still need to order checks.
- Why is it that when I don't need something..it's always in my way. And when I do need it, that same thing that was in my way 5 minutes ago is no longer there. It has fallen into the great abyss that swallows up things in my house. And it always happens on Sunday mornings. And it always causes me to practically cuss before church.
- Pastor Mike said we should demand things. I like that. I'm gonna start demanding more things. I know I'm taking it out of context...but...it sounds like a great idea. My first demand is cake. Lots of it. And that none of it makes me sick or fat.... mmmmmmmmm....cake....Next demand? No annoyances....ever. That one will be trickier than cake.
- Found this picture the other day...who the HECK gives a 5(?) year old a picture of Jesus for their birthday? Seriously. I love Jesus, and the love of him was cultivated from an early age, yes...but is it really necessary to give a small child a picture of Jesus to hang on their wall? He doesn't even look like that. It was probably some family member trying to be all "spiritual" and give me something my parent's would approve of. Whatever, skip that, Jesus lives in my heart, I wanted Strawberry Shortcake that year!
Ironically...I still have that awesome wooden Jesus picture;)
- My cat looks awesome...and ridiculous...and he knows it.
Wanna know WHY he looks like Mufasa's groomer got ahold of him? See HERE
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