Because I know that all anyone care's about is the new little guy in our lives, I will throw up a quick pick of his big self (taken with my phone...sorry for the quality) My sister in law is a tinsy little thing, so the fact that her hand looks gigantic next to his little monkey nugget shows how tinsy he is. He's so stinkin cute and it was everything I could do to not grab him out of that incubator thing and just snuggle him to pieces. But I've already been yelled at by one NICU nurse up there, I decided that I best not get in trouble again. Seriously...who WOULDN'T turn to look at a crying baby in a bed next to them? A heartless lump of coal...that's who. Apparently that's against the rules...I think from then on she gave me the stink eye. I will instruct Ethan to leave her a really nice surprise in his diaper the next time I'm up there.
Anyway, it has been a crazy week with babies and weddings and all, so us girls decided to just take the kids to the pool and have a nice float down the lazy river. Only....the lazy river was more like a congested and blocked colon due to the MASSIVE amounts of park district delinquents that decided to interfere with our relaxation time. I think I heard more whistles being blown by lifeguards than I ever did in my life. Relaxing it was not. I took Maebree up to the top of one of the intertube slides, and the poor cute little lifeguard girl up there was just doing her best to keep the chaos to a bare minimum. She was hoarse from yelling at kids all day. I asked her how many times she had to repeat the same threat/order and then I asked her how fun was it s to be able to do so. It was in that moment that it dawned on me....next year...I am going to become certified to become a lifeguard. It is their job...dare I say their DUTY to do nothing but yell at bratty kids all day long. They hold all the power with one blow of their whistle. They can take fun away from those dang kids with one little breath. "YOU! Delinquent splashing all the kids! OUTTA THE WATER!" "OH...wanna butt in line? Guess what buddy....YOUR DONE! No intertube for you!" "Wanna get lippy? MMMMk......banned from the pool for life!"
Sigh....lifeguards are awesome and I want to be one when I grow up.
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