Monday, July 18, 2011

Random thought of the day....

  • Chances are if you are a parent, and you have to leave an ENTIRE cart of groceries at a store because your kid is running around like crazy, opening and trying on all the lipsticks and nail polishes, breaking stuff, and generally being a nuisance to need to rethink your discipline options. I'm not saying beat the kid...but...maybe you should try something. Anything. Gently speaking in calm tones and begging the kid to obey you isn't gonna cut it. I'm just saying.
  • Crap...still gotta order some checks.
  • Donuts should not be allowed in my house. Especially on days that I am weak and had to deal with bratty children running up and down the aisle at Target screaming and breaking nail polishes while I was trying to pick out my dog food. But it sure tasted good goin' down....
  • I seriously say "seriously" way to's evident in Maebree's speech. Everything starts with "Seriouswy Mom...." followed by at least 10 more "seriouswies" in the same sentence. But dang it's cute.

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