Friday, July 8, 2011

Welcome back dear friends.....

Dear's late. Like 10:30 at night, I'm exhausted, and I'm waiting on five little kids to fall asleep so that I can crash myself. That's right, I said five. My nephews are spending the night while their momma and daddy are staying at the hospital to ensure my new little nephew doesn't make an entrance into the world too soon. It's been way to long since I've blogged. I've wanted to for so long and have been so behind on editing that I feel guilty about not working on that. So I haven't. And I honestly have been grouchy about things and don't want to get on here and be nasty about life..cause I know people want funny...not crabby. Just to catch you all up on some bullet points of what's gone down in the last few months (for all five of you out there who still may read:)
  • The house didn't sell. We took it off the market at the end of May. Just couldn't do it anymore. God shut SOOOOO many doors, it was ridiculously obvious we were not to continue with that sign in our yard at this point. Neither of us feel that release to go ahead and start ripping out floors and adding an addition, in fact...we both religiously check the Realtor sights for the newest house out there...and folks..there aint much out there. we are. We will re-arrange some things so that we can have a family room...mainly because I want to be a part of my family when they are playing or watching a movie and I know longer want to be stuck in a little room all by myself alone with my computer. I can at least be stuck in a corner in the same area as all of them. And we are taking a trip to Florida...that was my contingency doesn't sell..Screw it...I'm goin' to Florida. I think I might make some t-shirts that say that. I'd make millions considering the current housing market.
  • I turned 32. It was amazing..not really. I had to rush my sister to the ER due to her losing control and feeling of her left side...she was later diagnosed with MS...but she's awesome and is doing great. She regained her strength and is working on keeping it so it won't happen again.
  • Emmy turned 8. She spent her birthday at the hospital with Aunt Didi....for my BIGGEST complainer...she never once had an attitude or was nasty about the fact that we canceled her party and still haven't done anything for it. She's awesome.
  • Business.Is.Booming. At one point recently, I actually had 3 shoots scheduled in one day. It was pure insanity. I am sitting on five I need to edit right now. But...I'm sure they would appreciate that I am not editing at 11:00 at night. Those would NOT be good pics. I've booked almost all Saturdays through October as of right now.
  • Dizziness is back. It's hits me at strange times. Considering everything that went down with Diana, I saw a neurologist. He was a complete jerk, and the only thing that saved him in that appointment was the fact that he looked like the tall creepy Asian dude from Lost that made all the orientation videos. That and that alone kept me from punching him in the face. The good news is, it is nothing "big" i.e. MS, cancer, tumor, etc. Bad news is....I have no idea what it is. It's purely frustrating and I should've left happy that it wasn't any of the bad things. But...I'll just keep attempting to rule out/in what I know causes it. Right now it seems to be caused by the following: Standing, sitting, walking, breathing, singing, taking a shower, swimming, exercising, eating, looking at the computer, going to church, grocery store, walking the dog, sitting on my porch, taking a drink, doing the dishes, hugging my kids, laying in bed, watching t.v, drinking a cup of coffee etc. So....guess I have my work cut out for me on the elimination front. So far I've been able to eliminate........baking?
Well....the kids seem to be sleeping...and given the fact that I believe my nephews are early risers, I might want to head to bed myself. Dear God in Heaven...please don't let them wake at 5:00....I am pretty sure I will be twitching in an corner by noon if that were the case! I promise to try and be a better blogger.

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