Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Random thoughs of the day...

My random thought for today? I.Hate.People. Not really.....but kind of.

Wal-Mart paint guy? Yep..your general lack of people skills and droning on and on about paint annoyed me. I just want my paint mixed...the color I asked for...the quality I asked for. Done.

Old people in your jazzies at Wal-Mart? TOTALLY on my list. Next time you butt in front of me after I've waited to speak with an overpaid/undertrained sales associate, there is a good chance I will go ballistic on you, throwing a huge ol hissy fit right in the middle of the store causing you to be all sorts of flustered, shaking your head and grumbling about "young people these days". Just cause your old and I must respect you as an elder, doesn't mean you reserve the right to be rude. Please go back home and watch your taped copies of "Young and the Useless" and let me go on with my day. (no joke..this happened TWICE while I was there!)

AT&T guy...you fixed my internet and didn't charge me...your great. Sales lady I talked to on the phone afterward to (for the 1 millionth time) to fix my bill...yet again....you were on my list til you ended the phone call with "God-Bless you". I'm pretty sure you weren't allowed to do that, but I appreciate it.

My new 3 pound 3 oz nephew? You gave me a fluffy moment when I heard you let your momma hold you for over an hour and feed you....keep up the good work buddy. Not on my list....


melbys said...

oh, i totally talked to the "god bless you" lady the other day, too!

Barb Devine said...

What in the world is a jazzy?