Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

Anyone who knows me knows one very specific thing about me:  Whereas I LOVE action and adventure-type t.v.....Anything related to sports is lost on me.  I actually cannot stand it.  I am very grateful I am married to a man that doesn't have to have football, basketball, baseball on at every waking moment of the day. He has his team, he will occasional watch a few games, but beyond that, it's a take it or leave it situation.

Russ worked Sunday, so it was just us girls at home. The only males in our house were of the non-human variety, and both those guys could honestly care less about football let alone t.v. in general. We decided we were gonna watch the game, but  mainly the commercials and eat junk.  We also decided we were gonna root for Denver for a couple reasons:
  • Peyton Manning seems like a really cool dude, not one of those douchey egos that is typically flying around.  He as also super hilarious on SNL. 
  • We have friends who live in Colorado and they were cheering for them.
  • They are Illini colors.  Not that we typically cheer on the Illini, but still.  
Mae affectionately named them "Den" as that is what it showed up on the little score ticker thing at the top of the screen.  She cracked me up all night because she REALLY got into it.  I actually wrote down several things she said because we were laughing so hard at them they must be remembered. A few of her gems:
  •  "Come on DEN! Just jump on those freakin' blue guys already!!"
  • "Is this a heartwarming commercial?  I only am watching heartwarming commercials.  And the funny commercials."
  •  "Please tell me that dad is NOT going to have Bruno Mars hair.  He said he was gonna have Bruno Mars hair and I will NOT like that.  Also.....those old guys should put shirts on"
  • (after watching the Clydesdale/Puppy commercial) "Oh my gosh mom, feel right here (feeling right where her heart is) IS is SUPER warm now!!"
*************And my personal favorite.  Remember she's six and has no idea what she's saying and I'm sorry that I'm not sorry to anyone who may be offended by this*****************
  • "Well.....I'm pretty sure those Seattle Seacock guys cheated" 
 I was too busy folding copious amounts of laundry in order to take any sort of photo documentation that any of this actually occurred. I got one little gem, and that was about it.
Snuggling and eatin some popcorn

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