Back in August of last year....I became the mother of a teenager. I don't know how that happened. I put in a request that time stand still but it fell on deaf ears and she turned 13 anyway. Well we had a million and one things going on at the time, then school started, then cross country season happened and she was so good at that and then it was the holidays. I finally said "forget it, lets just do a cool
half-birthday kind of thing" and that's what we did. So she chose Monicals and cosmic bowling (without the cosmic as they decided that now is only a Saturday night thing) and we had a blast!!
Didey made the cake...did a GREAT JOB! |
All the friends and sisters. |
"Mana" and her girls. Mae can never keep her eyes open. |
The "dimples brigade" Not sure what Mae is doing there. |
She got lots of cool presents |
The most laid back, nondramatical teenage bunch ever. |
Goofy girls;) |
Getting their bowling on. Notice the "Russ Houston" stance in the back |
Yay Bowling!!! |
It was a super fun night! We had the adults on one lane and the kids on the other. I was doing so good and finally found something I could maybe beat the husband at and then when I started bragging about it, I started sucking it up. So...pride really DOTH cometh before a fall. Stupid Scripture.
The girls stayed the night. I went to rent a movie and that was the MOST PAINFUL part of the the night as 4 indecisive teenagers decided what to watch. They settled on Captain America because "he's hot" I only hoped that the message somewhat stuck up in there somewhere. Girls. They stayed up too late and when I went to wake them in the morning, they were all snuggled up together laying on top of one another on one couch. I remember those days. It doesn't really seem like it was THAT long ago I too was all snuggled up with 6 other girls on Melanie Osterbur (now Dilgers) super single water bed after watching Kevin Costner movies all night long. I vividly remember rewinding some part of "Field of Dreams" over and over simply to hear him giggle over and over. We SOOOO thought we were gonna marry that guy. We were totally the coolest dorks I knew.
Russ and I had the next day off, so we were going to take the girls to the Lego movie, but then an ice storm decided to come our way and those plans were scratched. Instead we stayed in and warm while the power went off and on all day, and the girls built a fort. He decided instead to pick the girls up from school Tuesday, then me from work and went. It was REALLY a cute movie with a good message....and I'm pretty sure the main character (I know him as Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec) was patterned after my youngest. The most positive and fun loving person ever.
Faiths snuggly ice storm slippers. |
Russ Houston makes a MEAN fort |
Ice covered tree |
Ice covered House |
Icicle covered barn. That is a might pretty picture without the garbage can there |
Mae zonked after the Lego Movie. |
Its been quite the fun week! I guess the weather is supposed to get up to 60 on Thursday but accompanied by thunderstorms. I will believe it when I see it. All I know is winter can leave us all alone now.
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