Friday, February 21, 2014

Bad Sick Momma

I am sick. Russ is sick.  We are quite the pitiful pair. It's just some stupid cold virus thing, but basically it feels like my head is going to explode with snot and my ear drums are going to burst and there is so much stuff leaking out of the orifices on my face I don't even know what to do with myself.  Add body aches and chills (and yet no fever) to that mix and its a perfect storm. Don't even get me started on what sleeping is like. My husband was so nice to me the other day; I came home to a detox cold and flu bath already drawn for me (if you know how long it takes to fill our tub, you know what a big deal that is), the heater blanket already on the bed and waiting, and the kids all "handled". I was so grateful that I shared my germs and infected him. I think he probably feels a simple "thank you " would've sufficed.

Last night, I came home and Maebree had about 457 reading assignments she had to get done that evening. I don't even know how that all piled up, but somehow it did and it was all due today.  She had to read me several different books and passages and practice her "speeder reader" words.  I'm about to say something that I will be judged for but thanks to the genes I was blessed with that include professional women's wrestler sized shoulders, I can take it.  In those moments last night when she was reading to me, it was just....the worst.  Honestly....I felt as if I was being tortured.  I probably would've chosen water boarding at that point, which, I had JUST done my little routine of Neil Med Sinus Rinse and if any of you have ever done that, it basically IS like being water boarded but maybe with a little less drama and violence and a bit of a gentler hand.  I know I know...all you "good" mothers out there who just "LOVE" to hear your kids read and blah blah blah whatever.  Being sick makes you a horrible mother.  I felt my impatience rise higher and higher with each word she was struggling to say. Maybe it was that or the fact that she literally does not stop speaking from the moment I get home from work until the moment I put her to bed (and even thereafter).  I just finally had to say "Honey...mommy's head is about to explode a snotty mess allover the pillows here, is there ANY way you can finish reading to Faithy?" and she happily skipped off to Faith and read her the story.  I'm so glad my kids don't take my irrational statements too seriously.  And also how does anyone raise kids without a Faith?

Just so she knows momma still loves her and won't be mean forever, here is a picture of her being cute and sassy in her penguin jammies.

I'm sorry Tater bug I was grouchy. Maybe this weekend I'll turn into one of those "good" moms that "reads stories at bedtime".   Probably not though so I wouldn't hold my breath.

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