Anyone who does not get Lost, does not care about Lost, or think's I'm a complete idiot for having
costume parties featuring Lost, feel free to roll you eyes and move on. I won't hold it against you. If you haven't watched the show, I would not expect you to understand. I enjoy it (I'm still in complete denial that it is over and refuse to refer to it in a past tense)....scratch that...I loved it. I have mixed feelings on the ending, but I will save that for all those bloggers out there who make money off their synopsis of the whole thing. For me, it served it's purpose in entertaining me every week (except during sabaticals) for six years. All I wanted for my birthday was to host an amazing Lost Party Celebration that would blow all those other loser fans out of the water.
I wanted to create a "hatch" in my garage or front porch....90 degree weather and crazy wind kept that from happening. I wanted to have a giant airplane crash simulated in my front yard....I think it would have been easier to have a REAL 747 come crash in my yard...so that didn't happen. I wanted everything set and ready for when people got there.....I was still working on stuff for an hour after people started arriving. What did happen was we had some awesome friends come with awesome food and had a great night watching the last ever Lost episode to ever air. And to top it all off the new and improved Knight trio stopped by for a guest appearance....the SAME day they left the hospital with their precious new little princess! THAT made up for everything that didn't work out that day.
So, if your still interested, look on for some crazy (and a little scary) pictures (remember to click on the picture to see a bigger version). If not, roll your eyes at my stupidity and move on. In the words of John Locke ...."I forgive you".
Our theater set-up. Yes. I spelled "theatre" wrong there.....little tired....

I had everyone write down their theory of how the show would end....my dad's was my favorite.

Addison's first "Chick Pic" . Erin looks too good for a new mommy who just left the hospital.

"Smokey"....Aka...The Smoke Monster

I made the girls their own Dharma shirts that said "I was a Lost orphan for 6 years and all I got was this shirt". Another thing that didn't work out that day.....

Sharie...aka "Frank" and the OBVIOUS costume contest winner!!!! She ROCKED! I'm pretty sure I peed a little when she walked in....

Diana...aka.. "Charlotte" Sorry for the graphic bloody nose....physical evidence of time travel sucks.

Stacy...aka.."Crazy" or "Ferrell Claire". Do NOT take her "bay-bee".....she loves guns and axes.

Alex, Juliette, and Sawyer. Sawyer is sticking with his hearthrob image. I think Juliette has seen better days (cross dressing is acceptable at my parties:). And I'm glad "McKeamy" didn't make an appearance this year for Alex's sake.

Our final "cast photo". I am bummed I didn't get one of just me or just Nichole or just Russ but like I said, still doing stuff an hour AFTER people arrived.

Oh well.....Russ is executive producer Damon Lindelof (a much hotter, with hair version), Nichole (again with the cross dressing) is Sayid, everyone's favorite Iraqi torturer, and I am the birth mother of the two dudes who started all the island craziness off, Jacob and the MIB. That is not my belly, and my head is bleeding due a crazy lady whacking me with a rock after giving birth and stealing my babies.
Lost is over. Jack Bauer is over (more on THAT finale another time). I have no more favorite shows or reasons to have insanely awesome costume parties. ***sigh****