Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby it's cold outside's pretty stinkin' cold outside. So cold, there's frost on our windows......

.........on the inside of our windows. Yep...we have frost on the inside of our windows, and our house is five years old. We moved from a house that was like 50 years old and thought "Awesome! we aren't going to have to cover our doors and windows with big 'ol ugly blankets anymore! We are going to have a brand new house with good windows that don't leak and it's constantly going to be warm", and now our house that is a mere five years old is leakier and colder than our over 50-year-old house....and we have ice in the INSIDE of our windows. (FYI, if you click on the picture and you can see it bigger)

Another interesting point; the builder who built our house informed us after we moved in that our house put him over with window sales at this particular company and they were sending him to Hawaii. Maybe I should show him a copy of what the inside of my window looks like. Hawaii sounds pretty nice right now.


Audrey said...

Craig came home tonight saying this is the coldest he thinks he's ever felt! I don't know--I haven't been outside since Sunday! You'd think I'd have incredible cabin fever (I know the boys need to get out :), but it completely doesn't bother me--I'm just weird, I guess! Hopefully we can have some snow playtime on Saturday when it's a little warmer--although the snow will probably be like a brick by then--no snow ball fights!!!

RK said...

That's just ridiculous... but we're in a similar situation. We've got some frost on the inside too. Now our house is 30 years old, but the windows were done only a year ago, and when we bought this place this summer, we were also very excited to have an efficient house finally. (The one in Champaign needed windows badly.) But dice. There are drafts all over the place, and we need to do some major caulking. Grrrrrr... so ridiculous!