Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a week....

So this last week has been a full on! There was some good t.v. (LOST BABY!) and some bad (Do I REALLY care what the new president had for lunch? Seriously? And how many times can a couple dance to "At Last". Totally ruined that song for me) Let me give you the run down of major events, as they happened (as if you really care, this is more for me that for you:o)

Friday: Went to Russ's dad's and enjoyed some Monicals pizza whilst giving him a much needed "Grandpa Fix".

Saturday: Spent most of the morning getting my sister ready for the Henry/McLeod wedding, then went to the myself...with three kids. (Whoever said being a firefighters wife was easy should be slapped. If there is ever a wedding, sickness, family emergency, it all happens on his shift day!)

Sunday: Church then lunch with my dad before he was back off to Iowa...for only TWO MORE WEEKS. Then I spent the entire night (ENTIRE NIGHT!) with a puking 22-month old. Have YOU ever attempted to make a kid that age puke in a bucket? Yeah, not an easy job.

Monday: I was so tired and honestly don't remember...except that Jack Bauer was awesome.

Tuesday: I babysit for an 18-pound, 4-month old Tuesday-Thursday, so those days are busy with general care of him and Maebree. Tuesday night I hosted our weekly exercise "dance club" with my sister and some good friends. It's basically me attempting to lead a cardio kickboxing/Step/Tae-Bo/Dancing with the Stars/Various other work-out video and Fitness Center classes I've stolen moves from. It's fun, and boy does it burn some calories. It's a very exclusive club though, and there are only two rules to "dance club"..............And it's only hosted on "Russ shift days".

Wednesday: Church, then home for an AWESOME premier of LOST....I'm surprised I've not done a post on this show because I am borderline obsessed. I would post a clip of my favorite scene, but I am obviously NOT technically savvy enough to do that:)

Thursday: Babysat, then as the day went on...began feeling sort of ill. I made a great dinner (Some sort of Asian chicken with cabbage), went to band, left early and went to bed at 8:30.

Friday: Sick....all day....spent it in bed. Don't know what the deal was, but I was so tired I could not keep my eyes open all day. I felt feverish without a fever. Again, Russ's shift day!

Saturday: Felt 100% better, cleaned the house, and enjoyed an evening out with my hubby and a fellow firefighter and his wife. I will not be frequenting Dos Realas any time soon. El Toro all the way baby!

Sunday: Woke up for church after being sick all night from eating Dos Realas, went into my kid's room to wake them up and realized the dog had gotten sick all night. I will spare you the details, but needles to say, I had a big job waiting for me when I came home from church. (OK animal activists, I removed her from the "situation", but couldn't do a major clean until after church as time didn't allow). Then we went to my moms and had an afternoon of food and games for my bro's b-day.

Today, I have to clean, grocery shop, and possibly cut my daughter's mullet. I was going to last night, but my husband decided to torture me with forcing me to cut his hair. *Sigh* I will post pics of the "mullet cutting" later:)

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