Not to be confused with the hit MTV show "Ridiculousness" (not that I
have ever seen an episode, I'm sure my life is none the worse for it).
Ridiculousness is my post title because that is y excuse for such a long hiatus.
I took some time off. Does anyone even blog anymore? I mean, I know people do, but it was all the rage years ago. I guess life gets in the way and you suddenly have more important things to do than document your life's happenings. Which is really sad because I have found as you age, parts of your brain fall out of your head and you simply do not remember anything anymore. For example, I can't even remember what I ate 20 minutes ago or if I've peed since I left our house.
So in an effort to be better about this documenting thing, I need to commit to this. My poor kids will ask me things and I can't remember. That was the whole reason I wanted to even do this, for them, something for them to refer back to and laugh or cry or just want to kill me for five minutes for embarrassing them. My mom gave all of us girls a book to write more things down in, and I can't even remember to do that. I think I just didn't feel like putting forth the effort last year. I didn't think I had anything worth sharing, which is ridiculous because our kids need to see the hard stuff too. The year 2012 was really not kind to us. We went through a horrible loss personally, I started a new job, kids in school, Russ worked more overtime than ever; just finding the balance was hard. Then 2013 came and it was better......but busier. I was hired full time at the U of I, Diana got married and moved on over to Decatur and we were hugely involved with that, I found out I am gluten and soy intolerant thereby making a very interesting diet change. We are still finishing up huge projects in the house (almost done!!! HALLELUIAH!) Faith and Em became Cross Country superstars, we bought a new vehicle that we have affectionately named "Adele", and we went on a HUGE and AMAZING Florida Vacation (you can see the pics HERE and HERE), I waged a war with Luke Bryan and my husband grew a ridiculous mustache of which was featured on our Christmas card.
So bring on 2014. The stache is long gone (thank you JESUS), I have new hair, and if we can ever kick this stupid Arctic winter we seem to be having, I think it's gonna be a good year. I will be better about blogging, if for no one else, but for my kids. All my Facebook friends, it might be a lot of the same. Sorry for any duplications, but my kids aren't allowed on Facebook, as people tend to be idiots there.
What will 2014 bring for you?
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