Di and I were a little, I don't really know, "shell shocked" maybe? It was weird. You know she's at peace, but her parents and little brother are going through Hell, so your not happy for their sake. She decided to take me to this little shop, sort of an antique shop with a sandwich/lunchy place in it to blow off some steam. That's where us good girls go to blow off steam....an antique shop. Anyway, it was everything I could do to NOT allow her to buy Mr. McGreggors for me. She wanted to, but I was pretty sure my husband would be all "What the heck are you bringing a taxidermied rabbit in our house for, and I would be all "Cause it's the cool new thing to do thanks to The Bloggess" and he would be all "Your insane" and I would be all "Your welcome".
Me giving Mr. McGreggors bunny ears.
Then I came across this beauty and thought it was the perfect portrait to hang above our bed to cap off our new room renovation. We of course would have our OWN names engraved in the tree, but then I thought...that would be taking a joke a little too far and there are small chances that he would actually like this and really WANT to put it above our bed and then I would have nightmares about deer carving our names into trees out in our little woody area and I don't need any more nightmares. The spiders and other creepy bugs that come with living in the country are enough for me thanks.
Amazing wall art.
Didn't want to end this blog on a sad note.
Di reminded me of him. His name is Peter and I have no idea why anyone would buy him. He is "Shut-the-front-door" ugly. I say that and Mae saw him and said "Awe! Mom!! That's a cute lil funny bunny! He has freaky eyes!" sigh.....only her.
Hide yo kids...hide yo wife.....
She is the kid that picked a stuffed opossum instead of any other cute zoo stuffed animal that she could find. I'll have to do that post later...
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