Tuesday, March 20, 2012

SOoooo I didn't marry Kevin Costner. And that's Ok.

When I was like 13 or 14 years old, I went and saw "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" in theaters with my bff Melanie (WHAT UP MEL!). Afterward, I developed this insignificant, small (read completely obsessed) crush on Kevin Costner. She could tell you. I wasn't sure how it was all gonna work out, being he was only like 30 years my senior and had a wife and kids, but...it was gonna happen. In fact...I was claiming that it was gonna happen. I had it all planned out in my mind. Somehow my work as a freelance actress and singer would bring us together on some movie set somewhere, and it would be love at first sight. I watched Field of Dreams over and over until I practically had it memorized. Don't even get me STARTED on Dances With Wolves. I even had the opportunity to go TO the Field of Dreams house on our honeymoon...and we drive all the way out there...see it, and my husband says "Eh...lets not go. I'm not really in the mood to walk through it". To this day it is a sore subject in our marriage. In fact...I'm still a little bitter about the whole thing..but I digress.

Anyway, I was obsessed with Kevin Costner. I stayed up all night watching MTV just for the SMALL chance that I might actually see the Bryan Adams video for "Everything I Do" (still love that song;) and got in really really really really big trouble cause I fell asleep with it on and got caught the next morning when my dad walked in to me asleep on the floor and some video with Billy Idol grinding someone somewhere was on. (I wasn't allowed to watch MTV, and that pretty much summed up why)

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves has been on some channel on TV recently and I discovered a couple things:
  • It is by far the STUPIDEST movie I have EVVVVER seen. I watched like 10 minutes and wanted to hurl myself out the window.
  • Kevin Costner has THE WORST hair ever known to man in it. AND he is practically bald. AND he looks ridiculous in Robin Hood garb. And he looks old in it.
  • Morgan Freeman needs to work on his "whatever the heck ethnicity he is supposed to be" accent.
  • I am a complete dork because Kevin Costner was not attractive in that movie. At.All.
I obviously didn't marry Kevin Costner. And after that debacle, I'm totally cool with it. No offense KC. You were still amazing in Field of Dreams. Dances with Wolves...eh. Open Range recently I rather enjoyed. I do believe that you have gotten better with age, but like a fine wine....my taste in men has grown better with age as well;)


More Than A Kevin Costner Fan said...

It's all individual taste. Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves is one of my favorite movies and the only movie I've watched several times! And you're not the only one to say you're going to marry Kevin Costner! I see it often in my searches of "Costner" on Twitter! LOL!!

Momma Peep said...

I must say...your current picture you have of him on your profile DOES make me rethink this post:) Haha!

Melanie D. said...

I must admit that I still love Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Those were the days though, right? I can't count on both hands how many times we watched KC flicks and giggled like little girls with every one;)