She is always willing to step in and watch the kids if need be for us. We never leave her house emtpy handed, and that includes a stack full of hand-me-downed People Magazines, some bread, and maybe a package or two of donuts.

Gramma loves feeding us and she loves her gossip mags. In fact, for as long as I can remember, she has had stacks FULL of People magazines for us to read at her house. I'm sure it's where I got my amazing fashion sense from an early age (as I sit here with greasy hair and in my husbands pajama pants and stinky t-shirt). Here are a few things you can always count on at her house: People Magazine, a cushioned toilet seat (seriously where do you GET those things?), 18 family sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner (cause she and grampa have so much hair to wash), Suave Baby Powder lotion, makeup from 1982, and the t.v. always tuned to Nickelodeon and the Cartoon Network. That is if her favorite "stories" aren't on and being taped. I remember coming over one time when she was on the phone with her sister. She was going on and on (reading off a yellow notebook) about some couple who were divorced and the kids were having a hard time dealing with it, then the ex-husband shows up when they thought he was dead and come to find out he was actually the CURRENT husband who had been beamed down by aliens in order to repopulate the Earth with superior intelligent beings....ok...maybe I'm not sure that last part was in her notebook, but when things started s0unding weird, I looked at the top page she was reading off of and it was dated with "Young and the Restless" following it. Yeah. She takes notes. And then reads it to her sister in Florida. As if it's real. *sigh* Oh.My........
Anyway...Back to my "Peops"....gotta see what The Biebs is up to lately. And I'm VERY curious to see how "Sandra Got her Groove Back".
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