In an update to all that's going on, I will give you the brief bullet points
- Our house is still for sale. The house I wanted is not availalbe at this time. It is possible it will be availalbe later (which isn't necessarily bad that ours has had no interest right now) but it is a huge huge huge question mark. I have decided to let it go, let God do his thing, and keep my options open.
- Thanksgiving was nice. Had a nice huge family meal, stayed up all night with my friend, sis and mom shopping that night and into the next day, and got some great deals. My mom got a puppy, the stinkin' cutest puppy in the world. Merry Christmas Mom! Some day Lucy will get that peeing and pooping on the floor is not necessary.
- My sabbatical will start this weekend. I put in my last order of the year yesterday and today, and thank you sweet sweet SWEET Lord I will be taking a much needed break into January. I still have some gorgeous senior pics I gotta finish up and a website to work on as well as some business stuff I need to get ironed out. There will be some big changes made to MyHouse is no longer a hobby, it is a business, and this crazy season has shown me I need to treat it as such. I am very much looking forward to cleaning, baking, and spending some quality time with my much neglected husband and kiddos!

Don't worry....I got some good ones in there too:) Not that these aren't good...they pretty well tell the story of the evening...Em is confident she was born to be a superstar model, Faith is cooperative and beautiful, and Maebree is..well.....Maebree:) My favorite of the whole shoot: Faith is sweet and perfect, Emmy is giggling, and Maebree is fabulous! Click on it to see the whole shoot!

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