Friday, August 13, 2010

Officially official

It's done! The house is ready....complete with that new-carpet smell! Besides a few odds and ends that need to be finished up (some trim work, ceiling fan scrubbing, small pool removal, etc) the HOUSE is complete and ready for your offer:) The small child pictured is not included.....unless it is a REALLY good offer.

I went to bed last night feeling a little nostalgic. I had that moment of sheer panic that I was going to have to leave this house that I love so much. We had it built. We picked the cabinets, fixtures (thank YOU Gullifords!), flooring that ended up all being replaced due to crappy installation. We picked all the paint colors. We spent two weeks and six coats painting the kitchen and dining room to get JUST the right color red. I really do love this house. I brought two of my babies home to this house. If it had a basement, we wouldn't move. Oh, do I wish we would've just spent the extra $10-15,000 and put a stinking basement in when it was built! We haven't outgrown it yet, but soon we will have. Can you imagine THREE teenage girls fighting over who gets their own room and who gets the sink and whose turn it is to shower? Ug. Not to mention, I know God has given me this photography gift. I know he is growing my business, and I know I want to be able to bless others with it. So change is in order.

We have a house picked out. It's massive. It's got a studio ready made for me. It has three massive bedrooms for the girls, a MASSIVE bathroom with TWO sinks and a completely separate shower space for their teenage years. It is literally one of our houses on level one, and one MORE of our houses on level two. So I have in my mind moved us in there. I know where the Christmas tree is supposed to go. I know where I'm going to store all that extra "stuff" I just can't get rid of. It has room to grow. All of that said, if it sells before we can get to it, I can't wait to see the even BETTER house God has for us. Cause that one just seems perfect.

So prayers are in order for us. Pray that I can keep my sanity while trying to keep a house picked up and ready for a showing at any moment. Pray I can keep on top of the already intense schedule I already keep on a daily basis. Pray that ours sells quick and that bandaid can be ripped off super fast! Pray that the other house stays where it's at so that I can put my Christmas tree where I want it.

1 comment:

RK said...

Very exciting... lots of things come with selling and buying houses. My sister made on offer on one yesterday. Their third house to try for! It's always interesting to see how the process goes. I hope yours is quick and smooth!