Thursday, April 22, 2010

A story in pictures

The "Characters.......




Chuck: I think I will mow this lawn. It's just shy of ridiculous.

I: Dude. I got this. Let me take over and show you how it's done. I am the king of "bacooming". It can't be that different.

I: It's simple really, all you do is walk and pull, walk and pull.

Tater: Guys!! Wow! You haven't even complimented me on my amazing outfit yet. I mean, seriously!

I: Hmmm.....maybe he had something to that walking behind it thing.

Chuck: It's all good dude..........I make walking look good. I mean, have you SEEN my arms?

Chuck: Besides. Just wait 'til she's not looking. Mwah-ah-ah-ah!

I might have taken some creative liberty with their conversation....but I think it's pretty spot on:)

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