Today is my baby's birthday. Technically, she will not be 3 until 10:45 tonight, but I digress. I can't even believe that she is already 3. I remember going to the Wal-Mart in Rantoul after swimming lessons and buying 4 different pregnancy tests to "make sure" I was really pregnant. I finally caved and bought the expansive one that literally says "pregnant". I remember (as I hang my head in shame) the selfish week that I cried and cried when I found out it was another girl. I was so mad, all of us were. I just KNEW that God was giving us our boy, our son. Didn't he know the desire of our hearts? Faith even asked the sono-tech if we could "pretend" it was a boy. I remember praying and begging for forgiveness because here I was, pregnant with a perfect, whole, healthy little girl, when many of my friends would give/do ANYTHING just to even have a baby. I remember vividly the day she was born. I remember all the frustration that accompanied it with the hospital. I remember the sheer joy of holding her and nursing her for the first time, and thinking that I wouldn't have traded her for all the boys in the whole world at that point. I remember freaking the nurse out because she stepped out of the room for "just a minute" thinking she had plenty of time and then coming back in to see me holding her. That's right...I can brag....I'm a birthing super-human. Get me knocked up, and I will guarantee to pop that kid out in a total labor time of 3 hours, beginning to end. No pain, no gain I say! It's the one thing I know I can do and do well:)
So happy birthday to my little Tater/Maeder/Mae-Mae/Peanut/Ma-shug-a-nut-butt! (She has more nicknames than any kid should have)
This last picture makes me laugh. She is in one of her many crazy outfits she wears on a daily basis. She looks so cute, it's really a perfect pictures of her..but Glenn Beck in the background (her daddy's favorite show!) and Caleb, picking himself up after tripping....again....just cracks me up!
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