Friday, February 5, 2010


First and foremost, thank you-thank you-thank you, to ALL of you who have been praying for me. I am so blessed to have so many friends who are willing to step in and intercede for me at a moments notice. So much has happened since my last post, I don't even know where to begin. Basically, an ER visit, MRI, and a couple different blood tests later, I am still dizzy. I still have weird lumps in my neck (the ER doc says it is indeed a lymph node), I have this really obnoxious headache thing going on, I can't sit at the computer for longer than 15 minutes without seeing double and getting that strange vertigo thing, and I have no answers. None. Nada. Zilch. Zero. I have good insurance, GREAT insurance in fact, and it seems like I have not one doctor who is remotely interested in figuring out what is going on. Yeah, and the government thinks they can come in and make it better? HA! That's for another blog.......

I don't go into the ER for nothing. I went in one other time in my life, and that was because two days after giving birth to my second, I literally felt like my guts were burning up on the inside of me. I was in more pain then I have EVER been in in my whole entire life before or since, and that is AFTER birthing three kids naturally, as in no drugs, felt-every-inch-of-those-little-suckers! In the end, it was a severe colon infection that presented as ischemic colitis. Look it up, that will be a fun two minutes of your life trying to figure out how a 24-year-old woman could have something usually only 75-year-old men bound to wheelchairs get. But I digress. The fact in this case is that I would rather have a colonoscopy than go to the ER. Actually, scratch that. The prep is "rough", but in the end, you get a pretty darn good nap out of the deal. I would rather give birth, have a colonoscopy, eat peas, AND ban cake from my life for 6 months than go into the ER . The thought of going into the ER makes me crazy. I am reminded of that story in the bible where Jesus casts the demons out of the crazy naked dude into the pigs who then run off a cliff. I don't know who I identify with, the crazy screaming naked dude or the pigs, but either way, it's not a good feeling.

I guess I am just glad that I don't HAVE to get answers. I don't have to HAVE a name (although my crazy brain feels the need to have one) in order to pray and receive healing. I am thankful to have friends and family intercede for me when all I want to do is sleep. I am thankful for a husband who spends his sick time on me to make sure I'm ok and has a job that allows him to do so. I'm thankful to have great friends who bring me dinners and desserts (brownies, puppy chow...mmmmm......) and come and watch Lost with me, even with threat of a gross and messy house and a scary looking chick (and thankful to have a husband who understands my needs to have a clean house when company is over!). I'm thankful for a sister who comes and spends the weekend with me so my husband doesn't have to take any more sick time, makes me cupcakes, and watches a Pushing Daisies marathon with me. But mostly I am SO thankful that I don't have to count on doctors or ER's or anyone else to figure out what's wrong with me. I have a Savior and a Healer, and it doesn't really matter what the "name" of something is, He has it under control.

1 comment:

RK said...

Hmmmmm, that does not sound like fun at all. But you're right, we just have to give God the problem, we don't have to tell him what it's name is.

But I admit...I'm not good at not knowing, so I can understand that it's frustrating. Hope it goes away, name or no name.