6:30...Alarm went off, jumped out of bed so fast forgot I was going to hit snooze today.
- Went to coffee pot to start a much needed batch.
- Realized we were out of cereal, waffle mix, and anything else my kids will eat for breakfast. Guess a trip to the grocery is in order.
- Go for my coffee, realize the filter fell in. Start another batch.
- Put toast in the toaster for breakfast. A little butter, little syrup, call it French toast.
- First attempt at the wake up call.
- Drink my first sip of coffee....it really is the "Nectar of the Gods".
- Second wake up attempt is successful. I realize some nasty, grouchy hooligans took over my kid's bodies last night.
- "I didn't want this for breakfast, I wanted cereal!"
- Go for my second cup of coffee.
- Mae stumbles downstairs. "Momma...I aw wet!"
- Throw her in the tub and scrub her down.
- Take her screaming out of the tub.
- Make the kids lunches.
- "Mom! I don't like those fruit snacks! Can't we have cookies!"
- Inform my 9-year-old it's gross to wear pants 5 days in a row without washing them and to go change.
- Reiterate to my 6-year-old that it is no longer summer and shorts are not in order.
- Realize I really should put ALL their summer stuff away.
- Load everyone up in the car to take to school. Make sure EVERYONE has lunch boxes and book bags.
- Realize I'm so glad I don't have to actually walk into the school as Mae only has on underwear and rain boots, and I am still wearing my robe.
- "What do you want for breakfast Mae-Mae?" "I wan cake!" "Sorry, no more cake, daddy ate the rest (thank GOD!)" "I wan frui-snacks!"
- Cave and give her the fruit snacks.
- Empty dishwasher and load it up again.
- Decide today is the day I will get the laundry caught up.
- Talk to friend about her upcoming wedding and then pee my pants realizing I'm not sure I'm talented enough to be her photographer.
- Start my eggs for breakfast....I'm DETERMINED to not fall off the wagon today after the cake debacle last night.
- Mae wants eggs, have to make more.
- Get out fall decorations.
- Realize I have to dust BEFORE I put them up. Dust.
- Start putting up the decorations.
- Clean up the mess Maebree made WITH the fall decorations.
- Vacuum. Bad smell.....bag has overloaded inside of vacuum.
- Sweep kitchen.
- Start mopping.
- Stop mopping when I realize Mae has the vacuum and is emptying it all over the kitchen.
- Start her a movie.
- Re-Vacuum kitchen, then mop it.
- Clean off my kitchen table. Decide we must start actually eating there sometime, maybe the kids would actually eat.
- Clean out Max's lair. Decide he is going to get shaved, even if I have to do it.
- Shouldn't have vacuumed yet....
- Switch out laundry.
- Do some more photog work for the PRC.
- Switch out the laundry again.
- Mae's hungry, make her a "butter" sandwich (peanut butter)
- Grab a quick protein shake of the hubby's to curb my afternoon hunger.
- Respond to some emails.
- Load Mae up and head to p/u girls from school. She is now wearing Emmy's dance costume (the one wear she looks like a German bar wench) without underwear and only one rain boot. Mother of the year, right here.
- Get kids successfully.
- Make after school snack, apples and peanut butter. It's a success as no one complains.
- Jump in the shower. No shampoo or conditioner, gotta use some body wash.
- My hair now smells like a man's deodorant.
- Decide to eat something before heading to get groceries. Make up some vegetable cheese junk that smelled better than it tasted.
- Throw hair up in a pony tail, load kids up, head to Wal-Mart.
- Crap. I have no gas.
- Go to our town's ONLY gas station.....one stall open. I back in and realize it has bags over the pumps.
- Finally get gas, head to bank to cash grocery check.
- Teller takes 10 minutes just to get me a pen.
- Arrive at Wal-Mart. Emmy informs me that I "smell like dad".
- Successfully find all groceries on the list, and even a few off list items.
- Head home.
- Drive by mom and dad's old house for kicks and grins. All new windows and new siding going up. Feel sad because we won't have Christmas there ever again.
- Drive around the back and choke back tears as we see the pools been ripped out. Have to console 9-year-old who is not choking back tears and is very sad the pool has been ripped out....a lot of hard work and the only cuss word I ever heard my dad say was when he was installing that pool.
- Come home, put groceries away, feed kids cinnamon rolls for dinner.
- Look around and see it looks as if I've done nothing all day. Force kids to empty dishwasher.
- Switch out laundry.
- Dig cinnamon rolls out of the dogs mouth. She hates me now.
- Talked to the hubby for a few minutes. Tell him I was sad to see the pool ripped out. I wish he was home and brought me cake tonight instead of last night. Remember I was determined to not fall off the wagon.
- Put Mae to bed after she has emptied an entire 500 piece puzzle on the girls floor.
- Feel bad I put her to bed angry. Realized she won't remember it in the morning. Thanked God a little for that.
- Switched out the laundry. Last load.
- Realized that all the bills I paid yesterday are still in the bottom of my purse waiting to go to the post office.
- Put the older two to bed. Forgot to get them toothpaste.
- Folded last load.
- Caved and ate the last cinnamon roll.
- Decided to type ridiculous blog about all that I actually did today.
is it weird that i not only read the entire blog, but i loved it? no, not because misery loves company. because it's proof that i'm not completely insane. my life looks relatively close to that with one kid, so you're doing pretty well, i'd say with 3 on your hands! i can already tell i'll need a lot of encouragement from you come december and another person to take care of. :)b
Yeah, that looks really familiar. I love that I'm not the only one who sometimes showers in the afternoon... IF a shower is had. :)
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