Due to Mae-Mae being sick on the Saturday we were planning her party to be on, we decided to go with Sunday afternoon at the park. We were only having family over Saturday, but since we moved everything to the good 'ol outdoors, I decided to quick call some of her church friends and invite them to come out and celebrate with us!
Sunday, after a quick venue change, we had a lovely party complete with cookie cake (per her request) a Tinkerbell theme, and some good old fashion pinata fun. There was also a rousing game of pin-the-tail on the donkey.

Yummy cookie-cake and good buddies..

Pinata fun.....
Emmy and all her buddies...
I cannot even believe that my "Gracey-Lou" is 6 already. She is growing up way to fast for us. We took her out for a "date and shopping spree" with just Russ and I, and she cracked us up the entire time. It is daily that she says things that make me laugh out loud. We played some miniature golf with her and had an absolute blast! (Me being the amazing photographer that I am forgot to bring the camera.....again....) She, of course, cheats horribley, but she was fun. She kept telling us "Ok, I'm gonna move on to the next course........course.....I just LOVE saying COURSE!" She also praised me for getting a "hole in twice" (as apposed to a hole-in-0ne:).
We love ya "shoogs!"
We love ya "shoogs!"
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