I've been having some seriously random thoughts the past two days, and since I love all things random, I thought I would share.
*When it's the end of the night, and you think kids should be tired, why do they run around like crazy people jacked up on pounds upon pounds of sugar?
*If Jack Bauer can save the world in 24 hours, like SEVEN TIMES, why oh why can't our government save it in 100 days? Just sayin..........
*Why, Oh WHY, does cake hate my midsection and thighs so much?
*Why don't babies understand how good they have it. I mean seriously, if I didn't have to wipe my own butt, could eat whatever whenever, and got to take two naps per day, I would be the happiest person alive. And yet.....their not.....
*That "I'll sleep when I'm dead" statement is the stupidest thing I have ever heard and the person who first said it should be shot 'til their dead.
*Why is it that when our "mommy love feelings" kick in, we have this overbearing urge to squeeze our kids until stuff comes out. Literally....like their breakfast cereal.
*That feeling also occurs when they tick us off.
*Did I SERIOUSLY just sing the whole theme song to Dora? And Diego?
*My throat really hurts today.....what are the symptoms of swine flu again?
*If I had a secret super power, it wouldn't be something awesome like being invisible or flying or any crap like that, it would be the one Jeanie had where she blinked her eyes or wiggled her nose or whatever and stuff would get done
*What takes hours to clean is undone in mere seconds by a two-year old. Life truly isn't fair.
*Why do I sometimes hate the word "mommy"? Oh yeah, it's 'cause all I hear over and over all day is "mommy....mommy.....mommy.....mommy". Yet, I really am sad when they start calling me just "Mom".
*Ah screw it.....I'm making a cake. I jogged 1.5 miles today.
I completely agree with the "squeeze them til stuff comes out" feeling :)
Isn't randomness funny?!
Cake, yum!
Random is so fun, isn't it?
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