*****DISCLAIMER************ I must mention that these are all naked belly shots, and if anyone is offended by that, don't look any further! They are tastefully done and not inappropriate in any way; however, this is the most perfect pregnant belly you will ever see in your life and should know that "results are NOT typical" in this case:) I am trying to convince her that she should go into maternity modeling and should just be pregnant all the days of her life:)
I was approached by this incredibly gorgeous as well as extremely pregnant (she is due in two weeks) woman who wanted some "naked belly" shots in her final days of pregnancy. This family is about to have their third girl...something I'm incredibly familiar with:o), and they were extremely lovely and I have had tons of fun editing these pics.

Thank you so much Kristal!! I have a feeling that I am going to sell LOTS of pictures due to your shoot!
These pics are incredible!! Besides having a beautiful model (with a fantastic name), you take some fabuloso pix!
Misty, those are terrific! What incredible talent....
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