Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jack Bauer Sunday

Yep....that's right. Jack is back in action tonight. I'm pretty excited to see Jack save some African kids from warlords and stuff. Better get my "Jack's Kill Count" spreadsheet out....gotta feeling its gonna be a long one!!! WOO HOO!!!

Did you know we actually thought about naming a kid "Bauer" for their middle name (Jack is already a name in the family)? I guess that's probably why God decided to give us another girl.


stacy ingram said...

Have fun with JB tonight!!! Beep Beep Beep Beep (that was the sound of the clock ticking before the commercial!! ha!

See you later this week. Eee!!!

--Stacy :)

RK said...

I didn't watch it. We always watch 24 but this one...I don't know. It's on DVR on the downstairs TV but honestly, it didn't intrigue me on the commercials. Not one bit. Jack should always be in the US, I think. He's protecting the US. It's what he does... maybe I'll watch it, maybe not.

Then again, how many terrorists can target LA with nuclear bombs...they had to come up with something different I guess. :o)