Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My new hobby.......

So my wonderful hubby bought me this ridiculously awesome camera for my b-day this past year. I had been complaining that I had "nothing" as in, no hobby, nothing I enjoyed doing, I just felt like I was a mom and a wife and had all the "trivial stuff" that came along with that. Basically, I was feeling sorry for myself and was being a baby:) Knowing that I enjoyed photography, my wonderfully assertive husband presented me with this awesome gift (a Nikon D60) and said " you have something.....go make money with it". My grandfather, whom I met literally 2 or 3 times before he died, was a photographer, and apparently my dad thinks I have his "eye". A bunch of my friends have been gracious enough to allow me to take some pics of their kids, and this past week, my mom told me of this program I can use for editing, so I have been glued to my computer "fixing" all my pics......
For your viewing pleasure:)
The lovely "Sweet Girls"

The "Handsome Holt's"

"Kurious Keira"

...and honestly....what kind of mom would I be if I didn't show off my own monkeys....

And my favorite......

...which my grandma hates becuase she says she "can't see their faces". I don't think my grandma has "the eye" :)


RK said...

Wow, really great shots. Next time you need to make a shopping trip down here to StL we'll make an appt with MH Photography. :o)

stacy ingram said...

These are all SOOO good!!!