This past weekend was pretty stinking busy. Friday was my big hair appointment. I decided to change it up and go with a different color. I have been
blonde (and many variations of
blonde) for my whole life. I hadn't had any color in my hair for a while now, and last year, Russ suggested red. I didn't want to go brunette
because my whole family went brunette, and I wanted to be different, but red kinda scared me. So a whole year later, I decided I would try. At the salon, I discussed it with my greatly talented hair stylist Britt, and we decided on a mix of the two, brunette with red guess you would call it an
auburn-ish. (don't mind the self-portrait.....its not that easy to do with my camera...and I'm not photogenic:o)

I think I want to go with more red next time. I will probably go back to blonde in the spring or summer, but for now, its fun. And it makes my eyes look bluer, so that is always good.
Saturday we worked at the Center and went through clothes with my mom, and I took the girls to buy Christmas dresses for their concerts the next day (thanks Aunt Marilyn!)as well as a gift for Russ's Christmas party. It was crazy! I couldn't even get down the aisle at Target without having a mini-meltdown due to the massive amount of people there, so I chucked the whole thing and went to Wal-Mart in Urbana where it was not quite as busy. My sister loving refers to it as the "Lonely Wal-Mart" which seems appropriate.
Sunday we had church in the morning, Emmy's Christmas program at 1:00, Faith's Christmas program at 5:00, and Russ's Christmas party right after that at Alexanders. The girls were adorable as usual in their new dresses......

...and they both did a super job at their programs. We rushed them to mom's soon after Faith was done singing, and went to Alexander's for Russ's turn. It was a good night, but I wouldn't probably frequent Alexander's due to the extreme cost of our dinner which was good, but not exactly worth $75 it cost to eat.
So how was your weekend?