Yesterday was my hubby's birthday. Unfortunately we had sick kids, so it was just his women surrounding him for the big 3-5, but that's ok with him. All he needed was his girls, his cake, and his new toy:
Sorry for the was taken with my phone:)
See that dimple? Seriously close to 14 years later....and it still melts me:)

That's him opening his new toy.....which was an Apple iPad...oh yeah...WHO'S the best wife ever? ME!
Check out Mae's face because she was with me the day before when we bought him a DVD. She was COMPLELTELY shocked because that's what she thought he was was hilarious:) She just kept saying "That's not a movie!" as I was trying to shoosh her so that she wouldn't ruin the surprise of that one!

This guy is CONSTANTLY surprising me. Just check out HERE and HERE. ( photography skills have come a long way from that first one!) I am so not good at the whole birthday, gifting, surprise thing. I want to be. I love a good "theme" party (Hello? Lost parties!?) but usually those are all thrown together at the very last minute. Ask all of my kids...we are usually planning parties for them like 3 days before. Anyway, Russ was the big 3-5 this year and I wanted to do something special-ish. He is not into parties.....hence the reason my surprise party was such a shock! So that was out. I really wanted to buy him a t.v...but thanks to stinkin' Dave Ramsey and all HIS good wisdom, paying off debt was a priority. I am coming into my super busy season and need the computer every spare chance I get (Oh man I LOVE nap time!) so a laptop was a good choice. But with Apple and all it's technological goodness, I have now become a Mac snob and didn't want to just get any laptop. As with the t.v., a $1200 laptop was not in the budget either. Enter the wisdom of my amazing 10-year-old daughter as she says "Why don't you just get him an iPad....all he wants to do is shop around for his gun stuff, check email, and play games and stuff "(hello Apps!). TAH-DAH! So after a few runs to a few places we came home and COMPLETELY surprised him:) He really thought I bought him a t.v. 
That's him opening his new toy.....which was an Apple iPad...oh yeah...WHO'S the best wife ever? ME!

Check out Mae's face because she was with me the day before when we bought him a DVD. She was COMPLELTELY shocked because that's what she thought he was was hilarious:) She just kept saying "That's not a movie!" as I was trying to shoosh her so that she wouldn't ruin the surprise of that one!

So happy birthday to the most amazing man in the world. I often have wondered why God gave us all girls. I have even struggled with it since I was just sure there was a son in there for us somewhere. But recently He has shown me WHY he gave us girls. Not just any man can raise women. It takes a REAL man to raise good, Godly, healthy, well-rounded, confident, and strong women. Women who will someday make excellent wives and mother's themselves. God gave us all girls because of Russ. He knew that he could trust these precious girls to him. He knew that above all else, whether it be popular or not, Russ would do whatever it took to protect these girls from anything that would try and do them harm emotionally, spiritually, or physically. We can all rest assured that other than his Salvation, there is nothing more important on this Earth to him than us Houston girls...his "chicks"...his "peeps". Happy birthday (a little late) Honey! Sorry I didn't get you another gun...maybe for Christmas:)