Anywho, my grandparents joined us. Give them a chance for to spend time with their great-grand babies and watch their favorite grandson in-law play something, they take it!
Grandma had to show off how burnt grandpa was from his fishing trip that morning.
Take note of their amazing sunglasses. They always get those infomercial glasses that look huge because they cover their regular glasses. I love those crazy old people!

Russ warming up

The Team
A little photo of the action.......

Yes...that is our one firefighter chick..right in the middle of the action. Apparently she was playing with a broken finger. I think I saw a stinkin' cop guy run over her head after one play. Literally...ran OVER her head. Like with his cleats. She is one tough cookie. Not that all the other guys weren't tough, I saw a bunch of them take some pretty nasty hits (in flag football mind you!), I just had to give a shout-out to all the tough chicks out there!
We ended up losing by 3 points....freakin' cops. :) All in all, not a bad way to raise some money for a memorial honoring those who risk their lives for us every day.