Craziness has truly taken over my life. Since my last blog, Maebree, after perking up, took another nose dive into the flu thing. I had to cancel my "babies" last week in some effort to get her better and sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. Then Russ got whatever "it" was. So immune system has held it together. I pray every day (while taking my Ester-C and acidophiles) that it will continue since I just don't have time for sickness. The upstairs of my house looks like a laundry bomb went off, and I can't even remember the last time I vacuumed. But I digress.....
Yesterday was a busy day. All babies were on their own schedule and had their own ideas about things. I caught myself saying "No! We don't.....(fill in the blank)" at least a million times. I find that saying funny, because "We" implies that I do these things....and I assure you, I do not. I thought I would share some of the "we don'ts" that were uttered yesterday. Mother's of my extras, see if you can figure out which one goes with your kid:)
We don't:
.....lick the couch.
.....lick the sliding glass door. the entertainment center.
....pull the cat's tail.
.....pull the cat's ears.
......try and ride on the dog.
......try and ride on our buddy.
......poke buddies eyes out.
......take toys from our friends.
.......throw our plates.
.......throw our bottle. After opening it and spilling it all over. can lick your plate.
.......stab the t.v. with a toy. the remote. the phone. Here. Eat THIS phone.
.......lick the carpet.
Have you figured out which goes with which? ;) Hint: All the "licks" go together....